Sunday, June 30, 2013

I’ve Got Your Back: A Leadership Parable Biblical Principles for Leading and Following Well By James C. Galvin Book Review

In I’ve Got Your Back, James C. Galvin has written a parable about leadership and how to be an effective follower and leader. This book has taken ten years to write and it was original written in the form of a textbook. He asked his fellow experts to offer feedback on what they thought of the book and then he asked younger leaders on how he could improve it. He eventually realized that the book had to be torn up and rewritten for today’s generations of young leaders. The first part of the book was written in a parable. The parable covered the lives of four people who are experiencing problems with following their leaders and some are struggling in serving in their church roles. Randall Johnson worked at Natural Foods and his boss called him dipstick repeatedly when he doesn’t do what he expected of him. He also breaks down the chairs and sets up the church. His pastor doesn’t really care how things are run. Valerie Martinez worked at Synthetic Software Solutions as a marketing assistant and she dreamed of moving up and she is stuck in her life. She also wanted to help and serve in her church but they are a small church and they don’t have many outreaches. Brad Davis worked with the Suburban Life in the youth ministry and the executive director just recently resigned and they asked him to take over the position but he has refused. He wanted to also help in his church but he is already working in full time ministry. Lynette Chiang worked at the Primary Care Medical Clinic as a billing specialist and her boss hardly comes out of the office and she has trouble asking him for assistance. Her pastor asked her to start and lead the single ministry and he pulled the, “I’m the leader of your spiritual authority”.  All four of them have different things that they need help on leadership and following. They seek assist from Jack Hendrickson, a former Delta Force recruitment and a Bible translator on how to handle people in authority.


The second part of the book was written as a textbook style on the theology of leadership and followership. James C. Galvin began by explaining the origin of leadership in the bible. Adam was under the authority of God and God commanded him to name the creations of the Earth and he had to perform work. God decided to give Adam a help mate named Eve and Adam led her like God was leading him. Then the fall happened and Adam didn’t lead Eve when she choose to consume the fruit. Ever since then sin has entered the world and leadership has been messed up and we struggle with people in authority. A significant concept that he pointed out was that leadership and followership are two sides to the same coin and you have to be a good follower to be a great leader. This book will convey to you on how to do that.


I would recommend this splendid book to anyone is wanting to be a better effective leader. This is a great book to anyone who is suffering from bad leadership and authority. James C. Galvin has written a timely book that has the potential to guide youth and older leaders to become better followers where they can lead others better. I enjoyed the parable and I believe that since the author changed the book, it will encourage and help our young generations of leaders. I really loved the REAL (Responsible, Ethical, Authentic, and Loving) concepts that he used. The one that hit home to me was loving people who have authority over you and being a good follower. I liked how the book also contained brilliant charts to aid in the presentation of the material of the three types of followership and the five levels of followership. The book had a number of life changing scriptures discussed and displayed in the book to teach readers what God says about leadership. If you’re looking for an astonishing book on leadership and followership, then this one is the one you need to read!


"I received this book for free from Handlebar Marketing/ Tenth Power Publishing for this review".


If you would like to purchase a copy of I’ve Got Your Back, check it out on or Tenth Power Publishing Website:


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