If The Tomb is Empty, Joby Martin explored the topic of how the empty was discovered empty. He explained how anything is possible. He divided each chapter into mountains that we are standing on such as, mount of beatitudes, mount of temptations, mount of transfiguration, and ends with Jesus’ death on mount calvary. These included stories on mountains featuring Elijah, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, just to name a few.
One of the chapters discussed Elijah and how he was a prophet. Elijah explained how the Israelites were very open to worshipping their idols. They would often times forget about God and how he provided for them. He shared the whole story between Elijah and the 850 prophets of Baal. Many of our idols are money, medication, drinking, social media, watching and streaming shows, turning to other people arms for comfort, and anything else we put above God. Joby explained how the importance of the empty tomb and how anything is possible. He reminded readers that since God create us that He can in fact can still heal us. He also shared how critical it is to pray big prayers and to have faith as big as a mustard seed.
I also liked how he shared how they started his church Eleven22 and where the name come from. It’s a very interesting story and how it was all from the start time of his first preaching service. He has since gone on to build churches and two which are located in prison. One of my favorite stories, he shared was how when he was twenty-two years old and he met Sunshine. He was in seminary and working three jobs with one being ministry. Across from one of his other jobs, there was a stripper club. He would practice over his sermon and he eventually got Sunshine to attend church with her child. Of course, we all know how the church judged Sunshine and one of the deacons asked what kind of example that was sending to the children. I loved how this led to when he started his own church, they even have a monthly program to reach out to local strip club. He explained his church mission which is to lead a movement for all people to deepen a relationship with Christ.
I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is seeking encouragement and they are needing to remember that everything is possible with Christ. I immensely loved how he covered the different mountains found in the Bible and how there is a message we can learn from each Bible character. I loved how he stated how if we truly believed that the tomb is empty, then we would live a different life. This is a wonderful book about Christ’s resurrection and the power found in that act. This is a great book to read to get prepare for the Easter season!
"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”
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