Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

I Used to Be ___: How to Navigate Large and Small Losses in Life and Find Your Path Forward by Chuck Elliott and Ashley Elliott Book Review

I Used to Be ___, Chuck and Ashley Elliott have written a book detailing ways in which we can deal in a healthy way with the used to be and navigate through your grief. Chuck is a pastor and Ashley is a Christian counselor. In the book, they shared how they used to be expecting a child in 2015, 2016, and 2017. They experience three miscarriages three years in a row. They explained how they worshipped, felt devastated, and faced traumatic experiences in the hospital. She shared how she wondered if God even cared about her pain and she questioned His silence. In the book, they also revealed Chuck’s struggled with porn and how it affects their relationship. They walked readers through how to process grief and unmet expectations. They encouraged readers to be present in their thoughts. They had a helpful chart showing positive thoughts and negative and how it all links up in the grief process. 




I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is struggling with lost and grief and they are needing some guidance through it. No one gets through life not experiencing some sort of lost. Either a loved one, job, marriage, or dream. I connected with how they explored how they dealt with their own hurts and devastations and how they tried to encourage others through the pain. This book contains helpful tools to put into practice. 







I received this book free from Revell for my honest review.”






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