Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Engaging Your Teen’s World: Understanding What Today’s Youth are Thinking, Doing, and Watching by David Eaton and Jeremiah Callihan with Alan Briggs Book Review

In Engaging Your Teen’s World, David Eaton and Jeremiah Callihan teaches parents how to communicate with your teens, set wise boundaries with social media and devices, and how to have important conversations with your teens. In this book, they explored how times have dramatically changed and now our children have different challenges facing them. They are both founders of Axis, a nonprofit that helps parents and teenagers connect with each other. David shared how he was raised in a stable home and his mother became a stay-at-home mother and his dad worked as a police office. His dad turned down a big promotion where he could stay at home more to spend time with his family. His parents taught him Christian principles and took him to church. He had an open conversation way with his parents. Jeremiah was raised differently and his parents were raised under legalism and fear. His faith grew when he was in a youth group and through along with his parent’s conversations. His parents divorced when he was in his twenties. They opened up about even though they were raised different and they both experienced different things, they were able to form a leadership and they developed a passion on reaching out to teenagers and parents. In the book, they shared how to have important conversations around faith, how dad’s play a critical role in leading their children, and how we can do things with our children to develop open heart to heart communication. The book also covered the topics of smartphones, social media usage, hidden apps, sex, drugs, depression and anxiety, college, and video games. 



I would recommend this life changing book on parenting and teaching our teenagers how to become adults. This book would be a great book for parents, pastors, and youth group leaders. I immensely loved how up to date they wrote the book to explain to parents what challenges teenagers face now with social media. It is much easier for teenagers to hide what they are doing from their parents. There are even hidden apps such as a calculator that if you enter a special code kids can hide nude pictures from their parents. App creators are very creative in lurking and deceiving parents and teens. I liked how they explained how parents can use this book to learn the tools they need to know to raise their teenagers in today’s times. I also liked how they discussed the topic of depression and self-harm and tips on staying aware of the signs to watch out for. I also liked how they discussed opioids and used some real-life Hollywood celebrities as examples and how they died from an overdose. I appreciated how open they were in covering the many topics and experiences our teenagers could face in today’s times and how we can help them by having an open conversation and how we can help them to grow in their faith. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Engaging Your Teen’s World, check it out on



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