Andrew Smith's Blog

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Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible by Danika Cooley Book Review

In Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible, Danika Cooley explored the topic of helping our children to love reading the Bible. She shared a personal story about how her son asked her about Jonah and why he was called a prophet and not a missionary and how she had to study the scriptures to figure it out. She explained how she used a children’s audio Bible CD when they were small. She revealed tips on how she made the Bible approachable and how she continued the Bible reading appropriate for the age range. She went into details on how she did it from little people until high school level. She also looked at some of the excuses we use such as, “reading the Bible is too hard for kids, too edgy, and too big”. She shared ways we can overcome this and still teach our children the Word of God. She also described how she used fun creative ways to keep her small children occupied while the other older children would read and study the Bible together as a family. She used boxes as an idea and the kids would do different things such as, stickers, dollhouse, coloring, and action figures and they had to play 30 minutes during the older children’s Bible study. This helped them to also gain some of the Bible conversations while they were busy playing in the background. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who has children and they are searching for a book to assist them in leading their children into a relationship with the Word of God. It contained countless tips and suggestions on how a family was able to leave a lasting legacy in their children’s lives. I immensely enjoyed how she shared creative ideas she used to engage her own children and teaching them the importance of studying the written word and building a foundation on Christ’s teachings and leadership. I also liked how she explored how we can have a profitable discussion on what our children are reading and asking open end questions that will cause our children to ponder what they are reading about and how they can apply it to their lives. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/Chosen Books for my honest review.” 





If you would like to purchase a copy of Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible, check it out on


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