Andrew Smith's Blog

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Roar Like a Lion: 90 Devotions to a Courageous Faith by Levi Lusko Book Review and Giveaway

In Roar like a Lion, Levi Lusko has written a brand-new children’s 90 days devotional book. He begins the book by revealing how Jesus is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He described how a lion club starts out blind and then grows up and learns how to survive in wilderness. Each day had a scripture verse, a short story, and a “did you know” or a “get ready to roar”. He also shared how he wrote this book in the honor of his daughter, Lenya who passed away after suffering from a severe asthma attack while they were wrapping Christmas gifts. 



The first devotional was on 2 Timothy 1:7 and this one discussed how God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear. He gave us the spirit of power, love, and self-control. This devotional covered how a lion isn’t afraid. They roar for three reasons: “let other lions know where they are, show how powerful they are, and to scare away an enemy”. He goes on to explained how we also need to roar to, “let other believers know where you are and they aren’t alone, show how powerful God is, to scare off your enemy, the devil”. He illustrated how a lion is brave and how we can also receive the strength and power from God. 



In the book, he also opened up about his own life stories in order to help children to understand that they aren’t alone and he faced different things growing up as well. He explained how he was picked on a lot in school and bullied. He admitted that he had buckteeth, wore glasses, had asthma, and he tried playing sports but had trouble breathing so he wasn’t every good. He shared that he was called names and he struggled with fitting in. He didn’t make good friends until he discovered a group of Christians and they tried to get to know him and they became his true friends. He went on to explain bullying and how we can feel like the world is against us and this is in face a life from the devil. He shared how we are all worthy of love. 



I would recommend this awesome children’s book to all children but especially to the ones aged 4 to 12. I immensely loved in the book how he looked at the different aspects of faith and how we can become brave and have the courage to reach out to others and make a difference. I also liked how some of the days included ways we can be kind to someone else. I also enjoyed how they included colorful illustrations to keep the readers engaged. I also liked how they included special ship anchors hidden throughout the illustrations that readers get to try and find. This book would make a great devotional for children and it will assist them in growing in their faith. 



Many thanks to Thomas Nelson for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post.





To Purchase a Copy:

Downloadable Parent Guide: LINK

Additional Downloadable Resource: LINK



Enter to win a copy:


a Rafflecopter giveaway 

Note: This giveaway is limited to US winners only.


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