Andrew Smith's Blog

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Next Level Believers: Advanced Strategies for Godly Kingdom Influence by Venner J. Alston Book Review

Next Level Believers explored the topic of anointing, understanding your supernatural identity, and getting ready for battle. This book teaches the rules of engagement and how to stand against the powers of darkness. In the book, she looked at the meaning behind the word ekklesia and how this means an assembly or gathering. She explained the purpose of the church and how this is a movement of people with a common goal of influencing families, workplaces, cities, and nations for the Kingdom of Christ. She looks at Acts 2:32-47 and the eleven characteristics of the church: Kingdom message, influence, increase, fear of the Lord, favor, unity, and more. She revealed the importance of how we need to understand the authority Christ has given us. Another big part of the book is how she was open about the current events affecting the world. Some of this included families breaking up and not raising their children, abortion, and the changes in the structure of marriage. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to become a new level believer. My favorite topics were the one about supernatural identity and anointing. I liked how she discussed who we are in Christ and how mess up we are in our thinking and how we can change it. I also immensely loved how transparent and wasn’t afraid to take a strong stance against same-sex marriage, abortion, and families not raising their children. I liked how she explained the term ekklesia and related back to the church. It was later on in the book before she went into detail about what it meant. The only thing is I wish she would have included some description of what the word meant in the intro because this wasn’t a term I knew of. I also loved how she include nine protocols in giving a prophetic word in a corporate service gathering. This book has powerful strategies to enhance and influence the world around us. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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