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The Flirtation Experiment: Putting Magic, Mystery, and Spark Into Your Everyday Marriage by Lisa Jacobson and Phylicia Masonheimer Book Review and Giveaway


• From popular Christian voices Lisa Jacobson and Phylicia Masonheimer, The Flirtation Experiment inspires you to strengthen your marriage with a fun, unexpected approach that leads to the depth, richness, and closeness you desire. 

• After reading The Flirtation Experiment, wives will… 

• be filled with hope and encouragement for how they can make a powerful, positive change in their marriages, 

• become empowered to pursue their husbands romantically, 

• understand the Bible invites women to be proactive in their marriages, 

• be motivated to consistently love in creative ways, and 

• forge closeness and intimacy in their marriages. 


My Review:


The Flirtation Experiment is a book that is written to help add the spark and fire back into your marriage. Lisa has been married for 30 years and Phylicia for 7 years. They have both teamed up to create this flirtation experiment to help improve marriages. Each chapter they rotate between the two of them. Many of our marriages have lost our passions and adventures and we get stuck in the day-to-day routine. They begin by sharing how we tend to watch Hallmark movies and we see the characters always ending with happiness and marriage. They also shared how 59% of romantic novels readers are aged 30 to 54. They pondered why women are looking for romantic outside of their own marriage. The book was written to assist women in learning how to pursuit their husbands and to add the fun of flirtation back into their marriage. 



One of the topics they discussed was playfulness and Phylicia opened up about how she enjoyed playing fun pranks on her husband and this caused them both to laugh together. She even went as far as joining into playing video games with him because she knew her husband enjoyed them. She shared how this helped improve intimacy in their marriage. 



Another favorite was the one on passion. Lisa was open with how one day she pushed her husband away because she was upset that he come home late. She admitted how she had to overcome her own self-pity and self-focus. She explained how instead she choose to embrace him and wrap her arms around him. In this chapter, she encouraged readers to read Song of Solomon. 


I would recommend this wonderful book about this experiment project on flirtation to any women who is ready to get that spark back in their marriage. It’s geared towards women but men can also benefit from reading the book and learning how to improve their marriage. I immensely enjoyed how this book enclosed thirty ways to add fuel and fire back into your marriage. Some of my favorite topics was attraction, respect, affirmation, adventure, and laughter. I loved the idea of watching your spouse and how they handle the kids, help around the house, and noticing it and writing it down as words of affirmation. I do believe that if you do this experiment and actively try and be a better spouse and friend, then we will see a big change in our marriage. 



• Download the first two chapters FREE here:  


• Order your copy of The Flirtation Experiment now!  




Giveaway: One copy of The Flirtation Experiment 

Please note: This giveaway is limited to US winners only. 


a Rafflecopter giveaway



Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own. I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post. 




Seems to me this book is more about putting the feelings that first attracted you to each other back into your marriage.


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