Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Your Time is Now Devotional: Daily Inspirations to Go Get What God Has Given You By Jonathan Evans Book Review

Your Time is Now is a brand-new devotional from Jonathan Evans. The book enclosed 90 devotionals and is divide into nine parts. These parts included “now, but, look, go, confidence”, and much more. In the book, he shared how he was an NFL football player and he was dropped by the Dallas Cowboys. He shared how he was able to rise above this and to keep going forward. He started the first section of the devotional by exploring the power of now. The first day discussed Proverbs 3:5-6 and how we are instructed to trust God and how He will make guide us in our paths. He explained how now is the time to go after something new and to pursue everything God has for us. He looked at Joshua and how he became the leader after Moses and how his time was now. There wasn’t time for Israel to be mourning Moses instead it was time to move forward as a nation. He was able to become an effective leader and to go after his purpose. 



I would recommend this awesome devotional to anyone who is ready to step into God’s calling on their life and they are ready to go after their purpose. I loved how each day had a short story message, verse, application questions, and a prayer. I loved reading about Jonathan life and how open he was with losing his football dreams and what he learned about following after God’s purpose. One of my favorite days was about God rescuing us from our fears. He shared the story of the Lion King and Simba living with fear. I immensely loved how he turned this story into a story about Christ. I liked how he explained His death and how Jesus overcame his scars and how we cannot allow our past or fears to stop us. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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