Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Military Guide to Disarming Deception: Battlefield Tactics to Expose the Enemy's Lies and Triumph in Truth by Colonel David J. Giammona and Troy Anderson Book Review


In The Military Guide to Disarming Deception, Colonel David J. Giammona and Troy Anderson explore the end times and what is to come. This will prepare you to fight and to not fall into deception. They explained the rise of false prophets and how they will claim that they are in fact Christ. There is going to be an antichrist and he will be spreading deceptions. He will be displaying miracles and wonders and luring people into following his lies. We must get ready for battle and stand firm against the lies that the devil will be spreading. Paul warned believers about the rebellion that is coming and the reveal from the man of lawlessness, meaning the antichrist making his identity clear. A big part of the rebellion period is going to come from unbelievers and they have help lead people astray from God. They also explored the topic of the mark of the beast and how everyone will be encouraged to receive a mark on their right hand or their foreheads. People won’t be allowed to sell or buy if they don’t have the mark. Many who refuse will be killed. They shared how this is become more possible with the use or microchips, electronic banking/payment for goods, and digital currency.



Another aspect of the book touched on technology and how it has brought many changes. One of the key things they discussed was about China and social credit scores and how their system monitors their behaviors. It punishes them with slowed internet speeds, travel bans, and prevents them from enrolling their children in good schools. They have a Communist party and they aren’t allowed to speak ill of the government. The authors strongly believe that the antichrist will use the same type of system and control everything and this is opening the door for this to occur. Another thing is the use of an electromagnetic pulse weapon that North Korea, Russia, and China all have access to right now. This weapon could shut down all transportation, water, power, all technology-based devices.



I would recommend this awesome book about the end times to anyone who is curious about what is to come. The end times are closer than ever before. This book contains the tools to gear up for battle to fight against the massive deception that is to come. Each chapter enclosed tactics, techniques, and procedures to put into practice to prepare for the end times. It was interesting to read about the deception that satan is using and how he is changing politics, media, technology, and education for his purposes. I loved reading about Elijah and how he will come back and the belief that he will be one of the two witnesses who will be preaching the gospel and performing miracles. They will eventually be killed and they will rise up in three days like Christ did. I also liked how they looked at the rebuilding of the temples and how the antichrist could be rebuilding it very soon. There are differencing beliefs about where it will be actual located. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on




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