Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

You Gotta Get Up: Grab Hold of Your Life After Being Knocked Down, Held Back, and Left Out by Kimberly Jones (Real Talk Kim) Book Review


In You Gotta Get Up, Kimberly Jones helps readers to become unstuck in their rut and pain and to get up again and live their lives. She begins the book by describing how she chooses to look at pain, rejection, and sadness like it’s a disco ball. We can be broken into thousands of small pieces and somehow God can still cause us to shine. She shared how rejection is God’s way of taking someone out of our future. She explained how at 36 years old she had to move back in with her parents with her two young sons. She had no income and her marriage was officially over. She shared how she was traumatized by the incredible pain. She compared parts of her story to the Samaritan woman and how she was judged from being married five times and currently living with a man. She came to the well and met Jesus. He helped her to heal and have hope again. He provided her a solution to become unstuck in life. Kimberly explained how she felt betrayed and rejected as well. She was able to let go of her failure and she realized that her past didn’t hold any influence over her life. She was able to explore her own stuckness in life and figure out all of the labels that were defining her. She offered a new and special way to get free of our imprisonment. She encouraged readers to ask “and” when they are dealing with their fear. These included you got fired, lied about, got divorced. We can use the and’s to move forward. This was very powerful tool to use against worry and asking ourselves questions to overcome our negative voices. We can learn to remember that our identity is not found in whatever things that have caused our pain. 





One of my favorite chapters discussed how we need to stop living the lies that others have spoken over us. Many of us have fallen for and believed them, such as we won’t ever be loved, won’t succeed, and we aren’t good enough. If we fail victim to the lies and believe them, then they can become our reality. Instead, we need to care more about Jesus says about us. God is able to work everything out for our good. She explained how she turned all of her messes into our messages to help others. She explained how if we allow another person to control and determine our worth then this becomes like a modern-day idol. We must always remember that God thinks we are wonderfully made. 




I would recommend this awesome book about choosing to get up again and living your life to the fullest. I immensely loved how she included multiple different Biblical stories throughout the book to explain the message of the book. I liked how she enclosed a story in each chapter about how her message has changed their lives whether it be a podcast, speaking event, or Sunday message. She also included a declaration and a prayer to assist us in getting up. The most powerful lessons in the book that I related to was the label many of us wear every single day. We fall into the rut of hanging on to what people have spoked over us and the things we have gone through. It was astonishing to read about how she was able to find her own healing through the pain she faced in her life and surrender to God. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Zondervan for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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