Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Managing Your Emotions: Daily Wisdom for Remaining Stable in an Unstable World, a 90 Day Devotional by Joyce Meyer Book Review


In Managing Your Emotions, Joyce Meyer has written a brand new 90-day devotional to help readers to combat their emotions and not allowing them to run wild. Joyce explained how readers can live beyond their emotions and we can choose ahead of time what our tone for the day will be. This book is geared to help you make good choices.  She used Deuteronomy 30:19 as a reminder on the importance of life and death, blessing and curses, and how we get to choose. Each day contained a verse, a short story and teaching, and a prayer. 



One of my favorite days discussed how the handle emotions when we are under pressure. She explained how when we want to test something we put pressure on it to see how it works and what it will do. God does the same thing. Often times, He will allow us to encounter situations and challenges that will require us to pass the course before we can move on. She shared an example about being tested in integrity. A cashier could accidently give us back more change and we are being tested to see if we will return it or keep it as a gift. Another test could be waiting for a table at a restaurant and we get to choose to get frustrated and rude or wait patiently. She clarified how in God’s tests we don’t fail. We instead will just keep getting retested until we pass what He is trying to teach us. We can have the right mindset that we will pass this test and focus on what He is trying to teach us. 



Another favorite was about keeping our love warm. This day discussed how lawlessness will be more present and how the love for others will grow cold and this will happen near the end times. We will also see an increase in wars and rumors of wars, famines, and other calamities. If we aren’t careful, we can become to focus on ourselves and lose the call to action to love others. If we allow our love to become cold, then our negative emotions will run rampant. We are call called to love one another like Christ would. The world needs to experience His love. 



I would recommend this life changing book on managing your emotions to everyone who is tired of feeling out of control and they are being led by their feelings. She explained in great detail how we can discover the path to meditating on God’s written word and letting it teach us how to live and manage our emotions. I immensely loved how she covered all the different emotions in this book. There was happiness, joy, peace, love, angry, sadness, overwhelmed, and much more. She provided the knowledge and wisdom on what she has learned from God’s word and how she applied it to her own life. The devotionals are short about two pages for each day and this book is a small compact sized book. This allows it to be easily carried around. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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