Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

15 Ways to Live Longer and Healthier: Life-Changing Strategies for Greater Energy, a More Focused Mind, and a Calmer Soul by Joel Osteen Book Review

In 15 Ways to Live Longer and Healthier, Joel Osteen teaches readers the keys to having more energy and being more vitality, and productive. He begins the book by explain how studies are showing that if we are living in a negative state of mind, then we are more prone to becoming sick. We will actually suffer in our immune system. It is estimated that “90% of all visits to a primary care physician are stress-related.” Joel starts the book by sharing how critical it is to pay attention to our inner life. In his 20s, he was experiencing redness between his eyes and around the top of his face. It was very itchy and he tried all sorts of creams and lotions and nothing will fix the issue. He finally found a solution from one doctor who told him it was from stress related. He had to learn to live a more balance life and focus on his inner being. Some of the key ways he shared in the book was, “a healthy soul, choose to be happy, unclutter your mind, dealing with difficult people, nothing to prove, tame the tongue, and much more. 



One of my favorite chapters was the one on unclutter your mind. Many of us are burden down by negative thoughts and we are living worried and we can’t understand why we are tired all of the time. He shared how scriptures instruct us to guard our minds and this is one of the ways in which we can be in more peace. He watched this documentary on hoarders and this one lady was struggling to get rid of stuff. You couldn’t walk anywhere in her house there was just piles of stuff everywhere. She would keep everything even popsicle wrappers and she kept them because they reminded of her children who were grown now. She was keeping unnecessary trash that she desperately needed to get rid of but couldn’t. Eventually the intervention worked and she was able to clean up her house and get of all the trash. Joel brilliantly compares this example to our minds and how many of us won’t let go of wrong thoughts and beliefs. It’s our choice to make as to whether we will live free. We are wasting precious time and draining all of our emotional energy when we concentration on and hold onto grudges from past hurts. Instead, we need to believe that God will give us beauty for our ashes and we don’t have to try and get vindication. 



Another favorite chapter was about dealing with difficult people. He looked at the story of Nabal. He was a mean man who was wealthy and had lots of livestock. David was at the time with his army hiding from King Saul and they were watching over Nabal’s sheep. They asked him for food and he told them no and stated how he didn’t ask them to watch them. David was upset and was going to go take him out with his army. When they arrived, he met Abigail and she gave them food and told him that her husband is a fool and that he shouldn’t have insulted David. She told him that he would be King and not to worry about his husband. This wasn’t a battle he would need to be fighting. Eventually, Nabal got sick ten days later and died. David then married her to become one of his wives. Joel used this story to explain to readers that when we encounter Nabals spirits and people who are rude. We need to be like Abigail and ask ourselves, “why are we fighting with a fool.” He shared how we need to put on the oil of joy each day and to let their negative comments and attitudes slide right off our us. We need to become like an eagle and rise above the crows and chickens. 




I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to live a healthier life with more energy. I greatly loved the message in this book and this book is one meant to be studied and reread to let the message get down into your soul. It covered everything from dealing with difficult people, living in the present, to letting go of control. These life strategies will greatly benefit readers and help them to live a more joyful life. I loved how he shared personal stories and examples from others to really explain the message. One of the stories was about how one lady lost her job and then her mom got sick and died. When she lost her job, this provided time for her to spend with her dying mom and soon she did get blessed with another job. This story is about embracing where we currently are and to enjoy the moment. Another story I liked was about his sister, Lisa’s story and how they were unable to have kids and how they had to become open to adoption and how God answered that prayer. This is probably one of the best books I have read from Joel. I just loved the concept of this one and the core message. 



There is also a 15 day special on his YouTube that is really beneficial and features guests from his church and leadership discussing principles included in this book. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on





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