Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Finding Grace: The Inspiring True Story of Therapy Dogs Bringing Comfort, Hope, and Love to a Hurting World by Larry Randolph and Jennifer Marshall Bleakley Book Review


In Finding Grace, Larry Randolph tells the story of how he founded Canines for Christ. Him and his wife, Susan was already at retirement age and doing so much to help the community around them. He recalls how God spoke to him and told him he needed to invest in therapy dogs. He didn’t even have a dog at the time. He remembered how he has a special dog, Gus before when he was in desperate need of a best friend. The economy had just fell and real estate experienced a downturn. He had to file for bankruptcy. His family gifted him Gus to keep him company during the day. The economy did recover but his marriage to Chris didn’t. They divorced and Gus helped him through all of the pain and all the difference in the world. Eventually, Gus did pass away and he hasn’t had a dog since. He shared how he felt led to again get another dog and start his foundation. He had their logo embroidered in gold lettering and this represented the gospel and the blood of Christ. They grew it to over twenty teams and they travel all of over to homes, hospitals, care facilities, and schools to provide comfort and to display God’s love to them. In the book, they shared some of the people they were blessed to meet and help change their lives. 



One of these touching stories was about Laura and Carl. Laura met them at a drug store. She wanted to meet later on with them and tell them her story. She explained how she was hit by an 18-year-old driver going 50 mph in a 35 mph. She was driving home from a meeting when she was hit and it just so happened that an off-duty fireman heard the crash. He thought she was dead but he was able to revive her. She was given a 2 % chance of surviving. She shared how God spoke to her and told her that this wasn’t her time to go. She had to leave her job and she spends her day with her own dog, Chloe. They became a part of their ministry. 



I would recommend this awesome book on how this ministry has been able to make so much of a difference in people’s lives. This book is a wonderful example of sharing God’s love to a hurting world. It was inspiring to read the different stories and how they helped others. It was also touching to read about how Grace helped Larry when Susan faced health challenges. This book is a delightful read for any dog lovers with a mixture of positive lessons we can learn from dogs. 




"I received this book free from Tyndale Momentum for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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