Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Win over Worry: Conquer What Shakes You and Soar with the One Who Overcomes by Keri Eichberger Book Review

In Win Over Worry, Keri Eichberger shared ways in which we can overcome our fears and worries and seek God and His power and assistance. Everyone has at some point in their life has had to deal with worrying. She compares worry to a leaky faucet that won’t quit dripping away despite everything you do to try and fix it. She openly shared how she personal battled flying and the fear of it. She has had to reply on Valium just to make it through. She explained how she has battled worry and fear on and off for over forty years. In this book, she teaches reader practical ways to unleash of God given trust and reply on His help. She shared how the majority of our worry is a learned behavior but we can learn to unlearn it. She breaks down the trauma we may have faced into personally, secondhand, or perception. She shared how she saw fear when she witnessed her boyfriend at the time getting into a fight. This left a mark on her soul of fear. 




One of my favorite suggestions she included was about Thessalonians and how we are encouraged to pray without creasing. Most of us don’t pray continuously throughout the day. We tend to let our thoughts run wild instead. She has some good ideas on how to complete this. We can learn to stop picking up our phones so much, turning down the noise, turn up the worship music, praying ourselves to sleep to keep our minds in a calm state. She clarified how important it is to write down our prayer list and just do it for ourselves only. She also went into detail about her struggle with getting turned down by publishers and receiving a bunch of no’s. During this time, she herself had to come to peace while she waited on God’s timing. 




I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to win over worrying. This book contained practical ways in which we can learn to release control over our worries and turn them all over to God. I liked how she discusses the experiences we may miss if we choose to worry instead of pursing something we would have gone for if we weren’t controlled by our fear. This book will assist readers in breaking down what is causing them to worry and fear and help them to replace the negative thoughts and to live your life to the fullest. This book will help you to get your joy back and to win against worry. 




I received this book free from Leafwood Publishers for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on





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