In Untangle Your Emotions, Jennie Allen explored our emotions and how to understand your feelings. She explained how she experienced a mixture of different feelings she had to discuss with her own counselor. Her daughter had recently gotten married and they had plans to travel around and she was planning on moving away. This caused her great fear and she realized that she didn’t want to be alone. She recalled her husband experiencing a stroke and had high blood pressure. The doctors stated that he was a walking heart attack and needed to take meds and rest at home. She admitted that she was afraid of living alone. She knew her other three kids would move out eventually too. She shared how she wanted to fix things and hated to sit with her feelings. She learned in the process that feelings are meant to be felt. This helps us to connect to God. In the book, she looked at Jesus and how he must have felt diverse emotions throughout his ministry. She enlightened how all of our emotions have a purpose and it connects us to God. She revealed how David was able to feel and live out his emotions, he knew God could handle it.
This book is a great one discussing our many emotions we all will encounter. It helps you to know what they are our and how to handle each one. I liked how open she was in sharing her own stories and how she learned to interact with each feeling.
“I received this book free from the publisher for my honest review.”
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