Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Beauty of an Uncluttered Soul: Allowing God's Spirit to Transform You from the Inside Out by Carla Gasser and Illustrated by Vivian Kammel Book Review

In Beauty of an Uncluttered Soul, Carla Gasser has written a new book about transforming your soul. In the book, she used an acronym for the word, SOUL to guide readers into decluttering their lives. It stands for searching, observing, using, and leaning. She explored the fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23 and how we can experience these qualities in our lives. These included, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”. Each devotional type explored each fruit of the Spirit. She revealed how we can make three piles to unclutter our souls and to make room for peace in our lives. One of the ways was in giving away our worries and fears. We can learn to give them to God and not to be concerned about them any longer. There are countless things that we are constantly worried about and it’s stealing our peace and it’s time we learn to throw them away and declutter our souls. She also included a special section about the tool’s readers will need while they read the book. These included, a Bible, art supplies, pen/pencil, notecards, journal, helpful terms (in the back of the book), and questions.



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to study and learn more about the fruits of the Spirit and they are searching on how to declutter their souls. I immensely enjoyed how she broke down each fruit of the Spirit and how she looked at each one by using the SOUL acronym in order to explore the meaning behind each fruit. I liked how she included different scriptures throughout each study on the fruits of the Spirit. One of my favorites was when she discussed the topic of kindness and she included examples on how to reach out to others and show them kindness. Some of these included, compliment the waiter or waitress on excellent services maybe tipping more, making meals for your neighbors or people in need, giving a gift package to delivery people, letting people cut us in line, and much more. I also liked how Vivian illustrated the book to make it more appealing to readers and to keep them engaged. Most of them was of nature, trees, flowers, leaves, and fruit. I liked how she included questions and left some room where readers could answer the question inside the book. I also liked how they included a yellow ribbon bookmark where readers can bookmark their reading spot. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”

If you would like to purchase a copy of The Beauty of an Uncluttered Soul, check it out on 



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