Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Bible Recap: A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible by Tara-Leigh Cobble Book Review

In The Bible Recap, Tara-Leigh Cobble has written a brand new chronological reading plan following along to the Bible. In the first part of the book, she explained how she struggled with understanding and reading the Bible. She admitted she sometimes had a lack of desire or motivation to read the Bible even though she was in full time ministry. She shared her mistakes and how she viewed the Bible as a big to do list and how if she did everything correctly God would be please with her. She realized when she read the Bible front to back, she was able to better grasp what the scriptures mean as part of a whole. She also explored the background of who wrote each book of the Bible. Her approach to the Bible in this book shows more of a highlight of what readers read in their daily reading of the Bible. She focused more on the character of God and less on when the temple was built, destroy, or rebuilt. Her goal is for readers to learn the truths found in scriptures and to be able to stand firm when life doesn’t turn out like you imagined. She used mainly the ESV version when she was quoting scriptures. Each day included a highlight and a recap of what occurred in the chapter and a “God shot”. 




I would recommend this book to anyone who is struggling to understand what they are reading in the Bible and they are wanting to get closer to God. I immensely liked how the book included a few paragraphs of what the chapters meant and it was a nice recap that was written with details in order to explain what readers just read. She used the ESV version but readers could also follow along with whatever version they chose to. I also enjoy the aspect of it being in chronological order to help readers to better understand what is happening. She did sometimes jump around but when she did it, she explained why she did so. She made it easier to understand what I was reading in the Bible chapters and how they can assist me in developing a deeper relationship with my Creator. I also liked how she included a God shot moment and, in this section, she explained God’s character found in these verses. She also encouraged readers to look for their own snapshots of God in their daily living. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of The Bible Recap, check it out on


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