Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Encouragement for an Exceptional Life by Victoria Osteen Book Review

In Encouragement for an Exceptional Life, Victoria Osteen explored the topic of how to reach your highest potential and how to see yourself like Christ see you. She shared with readers who we were called to be exceptional and extraordinary. In scripture, God has called each of us His masterpiece and we were all created in His image. She begins the book by sharing a story about Jim and how when he met his baby sister for the first time. He was 8 years old and he was deeply moved by meeting his sister. His father decided to tell him the truth and explained that he was adopted. They were told by a nurse that they could pick any baby in the room and how they chose him. His parents made it a point to make sure Jim knew that he was handpicked to be a part of their family. Victoria uses this story to remind readers that we are chosen and God adopted us into His family. She encouraged readers to remember that they are valuable. Even when we make mistakes, our worth isn’t based on our performance. She reminded us to take off the negative labels, the guilty, and the pain. 



She also looked at King David and how God chose David when he the least likely person to be chosen to become King. David had chances to be offended that his father didn’t even consider him to be a prime candidate and how it appeared that his own father didn’t believe in him. Victoria explored how God knew what was inside him and the special calling that was one his life. She explained that we all have an anointed on our lives and how we are royal priesthood. She looked at 7 different key areas to live our lives to our highest potential. Some of these included: know that you are chosen, travel light, encourage yourself, power up, set your eyes on the promises”, and much more. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to live an exceptional life. I immensely loved how small and compact this book is and it makes it easy to travel with especially to the beach or while you are waiting at an appointment. I loved how inspirational this book was and how she reminded readers how they were chosen by God and who we are in Christ. One of my favorite stories, she shared was about how she received an email from a lady who was dumped by her boyfriend and she didn’t understand why. She thought they were heading towards marriage. She revealed how she dwelled on pondering what she did wrong and focusing on her own negative thoughts. She admitted to not wanting to leave our house for work or anything. She was depressed when she turned on the TV and Joel was on. She started listening to him and watching his program. Eventually, she learned the principles on looking in the mirror and speaking life over her life. I immensely loved with what Victoria shared about our thoughts and how we can think about good thoughts and focus on the good and not the bad. This book is a book that is meant to be reread and we need to let the words get into our spirit and change our thoughts, pattens, lifestyles, and make us stronger.  



"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.” 




If you would like to purchase a copy Encouragement for an Exceptional Life, check it out on



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