Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Kingdom Men Rising: A Call to Growth and Greater Influence by Tony Evans Book Review

In Kingdom Men Rising, Tony Evans has written a brand-new book about men stepping up to become effective leaders in all areas of your life. In the book, he explored the game of checkers and how each piece was created to become a king. He shared how men are supposed to receive their crowns and they were created to be the foundation under the authority of God. He begins the book by opening up about a major challenged he faced in 2019. He shared how they discovered the return of his wife’s, Lois cancer. They all were together as a family because he was also receiving an award that very night for the National Religious Broadcasters Hall of Fame award. Lois explained to her family that this was spiritual warfare. She shared how over a year and half that they lost six family members. She stated that they needed to all be prepared to fight. He eventually lost his wife near New Year’s Eve to cancer. He explained how the devil was more than likely saying, “oh crap, he’s up”. He was supposed to peach the next night at his New Year Eve service and the enemy tried to knock him don’t where he wouldn’t preach. He reexplained what a kingdom man definition is and how we need to submit to God and have a relationship with Him and follow Him in all the areas of our lives. 



He reminded readers that we are all chosen for greatness and how we all have a purpose for our lives. He looked at Abraham and his story and how God promised were spoken to him and to his seed. The scriptures also revealed how if we are in Christ, we are all Abraham’s seed. Tony encouraged reader to own this promise and we can have greatness and influence. He went into great detail about how we need to as men to show up, be present, and to stay consistent and how this will assist us in leading behind a legacy. There is countless wisdom found throughout the pages on personal growth and becoming a kingdom man. 



I would recommend this life changing book to every single man and they are ready to rise up and become the man that God has called them to be. This book contained vast knowledge about how we can grow into greatness and leave a legacy behind. I immensely loved how transparent Tony was and how he shared countless stories about his own life and experiences of becoming a kingdom man. I liked how he looked at spiritual warfare and how we can overcome the attacks. Along the way, we can also grow closer to Christ. This book has the potential to assist men in rising up and becoming active in their roles and to become the leaders and step into their God given purpose in their lives.




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Kingdom Men Rising, check it out on


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