Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Bible Promises & Prayers for Children: Releasing Your Child’s Divine Destiny by Bill & Beni Johnson Book Review

In Bible Promises & Prayers for Children, Bill and Beni Johnson has written a brand new 31 days devotional that will assist us in praying with our children. They begin the book by sharing how each child is a treasure. Each day included a short message, scriptures to medicate on, a prayer, and an activity to complete with your children. Some of the topics included, “training up a child, prophesy their destiny, nothing is impossible, born with significance, hearing God’s voice, choosing joy, great courage, a lifestyle of forgiveness, bound to hope”, and much more. They shared how to hear from God and to listen to His guidance on the destiny He has for each of our children. They opened up about Zechariah and how he began to prophesy over his own son when he was only 8 days old. They looked at other scriptures that discussed spiritual gifts. They also looked how we need to plant the seeds in our children lives and God will guide them throughout their journey. 



I would recommend this awesome book to any parents where they can read it along with their children. This book is an incredible resource for parents and this will assist in partnering with God. I immensely loved how the book contained countless wisdom on imparting the promises of God into their lives. I enjoyed how each devotional was inspirational and will greatly benefit our children and their future generations. One of my favorite topics, they discussed was the importance of courage and how one of our biggest fears is the fear of man. They shared how we can have confidence and how we need to only fear God and not man. I also liked how they included a prayer, scriptures to ponder on, and a special activity. Some of these activities included: having a dance party, brainstorming what you are thankful for, ways to be generosity to others, and write down what areas you have been blessed and experienced God’s goodness as a family and place them in a jar. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Bible Promises & Prayer for Children, check it out on


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