Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Declarations for Breakthrough: Agreeing with the Voice of God by Jane Hamon by Book Review

In Declarations for Breakthrough, Jane Hamon explored the topic of speaking an declaring the Word of God over your life. She explained the incredible power of God speaking and how one word can change your family, health, finances, atmosphere, nation, and cause heaven to come to earth. Throughout the book, she went into detail about the Old Testament examples that displayed the power of words. Some of these included, “creation, tower of Babel, the burning bush, plagues in Egypt, Balaam’s donkey, walls of Jericho, and sun standing still”. She shared how we need to focus on our thoughts and how we need to open up our mouths and declare what God says. She described what a decree is and how some books contained them. She looked at how God spoke the world into existence and how Jesus also revealed the decrees in His teachings. She begins the book by sharing the decree of the abundance of rain and God called her to declare it in one of the cities that she was going to be speaking at. She explained how God answered that response and the joy that was released in the community. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to receive the power of God’s written Word and to speak His promises out loud over our life and our circumstances. I immensely loved the declarations she included at the end of each chapter to encourage readers to speak it out loud to get in alignment with God and His Word. I also liked how she include in the last chapter for breakthrough different areas where we can declare over our lives such as, “spiritual warfare, protection, blessings and prosperity, health and healing, peace, family, nation”, and much more. I also connected with the different stories she shared about her own life and in the lives of others about how they declared the Word of God over their life and how it changed things. I liked how she guided readers into speaking the right words, decreeing, activating the anointing, and agreeing with God. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Declarations for Breakthrough, check it out on


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