Andrew Smith's Blog

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Has God Failed You?: Finding Faith When You’re Not Even Sure God is Real by Michael L. Brown Book Review



In Has God Failed You, Michael L. Brown explored the difficult topics of where is God in our pain and struggles in life and does, He truly care about us. In this book, he looked at faith and how to deal with our doubts and how you can have a fresh encounter with God. He begins the book by revealing how Generational Z is identifying more as atheists and this is affecting our world. He decided to write this book directly to the readers who are hurting and they are wondering how they will regain their faith. He shared how he grew up in a Jewish home. He revealed how he became a rock drummer in his teens and he experimented with heavy drugs. A few years later, he had two of his best friends who became Christians. He attended their church and eventually became born again. He shared how he earned his Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures. He also opened up about his own struggles with doubt and how he still believes in the power of God. In the book, he looked at the topic of what if there isn’t a God. He explained that if there isn’t a God, then that also means no afterlife. He also looked at prayer and does it work and he looked at why God might not answer it right away or in the way that we think He should. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is questioning their faith and they have doubts they are wanting answered. I immensely liked how Michael wasn’t afraid to deal with the difficult topics and he looked at prayers not being answered, people having to experience pain, what if there isn’t a God, and is the Bible an outdate resource. One of my favorite chapters was the two on is the Bible outdated and bigoted book. These two chapters explored how the Bible included violence, slavery, and other difficult subjects. I also liked how he wasn’t afraid to discuss male and females and gender identity issues. He explained how we were designed to reproduce. He explained how it isn’t a hatred of gays but how everyone can experience the love of Christ. I also liked how he looked at the story of Job and how we can apply it to our lives. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Has God Failed You, check it out on


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