Andrew Smith's Blog

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Kill the Noise: Finding Meaning About the Madness by Ryan Ries Book Review

In Kill the Noise, Ryan Ries walks readers through the process of killing the noise and distractions and silencing them and listening and finding God. The noises can be social media, video games, drugs, sex, porn, TV, and anything else we place before Christ. In the book, he opened up about his life story. He begins sharing how his father was a pastor at a megachurch and had two older brothers. He explained how he loved rock and roll and got sucked into drugs and alcohol. He explained how his addiction grew and how this hurt his ability to produce and create events. He described how he felt into the lust of the flesh and it started in first grade when he discovered x rated porn magazines behind his school. He shared how this opened the door and the images got saved in his memory. He revealed how this affects the brain, messes up relationships and marriages, and how it can also lead to impotency. He opened up about how he was sleeping around and he got a girl pregnant. She made the decision to abort the baby and she didn’t tell him into after she did it. Eventually, she got pregnant again and they both agreed to stop the partying. Shortly, they learned they were having twins and they discovered that she had a vanishing twin syndrome. She changed her mind and ended up having another abortion because she thought she was too young to become a mom. He found out she was also cheating on him and she also cheated on him between the abortions. He shared how he flipped God off and was hurt at Him for taking his kids. He also went into details about how he come to know Christ in Panama City and how he received his wake-up call. He also shared how he is a co-founder of The Whosevers movement and what all they do. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is looking for an inspirational book about finding God and silencing the distractions from the world. I immensely enjoyed how real he was in sharing how he was a little rough around the edges and how he came to know Christ. I liked how discovered his true identity in Christ and found his passion. I also connected with how we can turn down the noises in our lives. I also liked how he told his whole story about his rebellion days, coming to know Christ, and how he met his wife. I also appreciated how he discussed his marriage and how they struggled with infertility and their experiences with vitro and how they ended up with triplets. I liked the vast areas, he looked at in the book and how we can all learn to kill the noise and build a better relationship with Christ. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.” 






If you would like to purchase a copy of Kill the Noise, check it out on


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