Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Outrageous Obedience: Answering God’s Call to Shine in the Darkest Places by Rachelle Starr Book Review

In Outrageous Obedience, Rachelle Starr made a decision to follow God’s calling on her life. At age twenty-three, she visited a strip club called Fantasy X with her friend Sarah. But not for the reasons, you might think. She was first lured in by the posted sign outside that stated, “pretty girls, not ugly ones”. They chose to not wear makeup and they wore a turtleneck where they wouldn’t get hit on. God told her to bring hope to His people. She first explained to the female bartender that she wanted to bring them a home cooked meal. They met with the young owner of the strip club and told him how they wanted to show the love of Christ to the women working there. He allowed them to bring in home cooked meals. The first time they did it only one woman ate the food. Eventually, they were able to make a difference and connect with the women working there. She explained how there is an estimated four thousand sexually explicit businesses just in the United States. She explained how people viewed Jesus differently when he chose to associate with Matthew. The religious would judge Jesus for eating with sinners and tax collectors. He told a powerful teaching about how the sick are the ones who needs a doctor and how He came for the sinners. 



She also shared about how she had a medical condition when she was just three years old. She has a spot on her back that turned out to be scleroderma. There were only ten other cases in America. She also dealt with Raynaud’s phenomenon and had to wear hand splints. She goes into great detail with all the health challenges she had to endure and how they made her stronger. Her family supported her during this difficult time and taught her about God and His teachings. She explained how she was healed and the doctors stated that the tests were normal. 



I would recommend this awesome book on becoming the salt and light of the world and following God’s calling on your life. I loved the story of how she founded her non-profit Scarlet Hope and the meaning behind the name. I immensely loved how she revealed how she chose to reach out to women working in the adult entertainment industry and try and make a different in their lives. It was heartbreaking to see how she took one woman to church and was judged and asked not to return wearing the outfit she chose. Granted, it did contain the B word across it. I liked how she reminded us the importance of truly loving people were they are in their life. I enjoyed the discussion on active obedience and she provided seven steps to assist readers. This is an inspiration book on loving people like Jesus would. 




I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 



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