Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

See the Good: Finding Grace, Gratitude, and Optimism in Everyday by Zach Windahl Book Review


In See the Good, Zach Windahl has written a book about helping us to change our perspective and choosing to discover the good. We can learn to see that the world is in fact becoming a better place. In the book, he opened up about almost losing his own mother to cancer. When he was just four years old, his mother was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She was given a 5% chance of living. He explained how difficult it was in witnessing her become skin and bone. Everything changed when a family friend reached out to her and reminded her about Jesus. She was eventually healed physically but over the years she still battled health issues until he was about age 15. He shared how he never saw her complain to God or have a poor me mentality. He begins the book by sharing how he created a poll asking people two questions about the state of the world. What he found out was that many Christians had negative outlooks on the world. In the book, he explained the importance of changing out views and perspectives and choosing our own story. He carefully described how we can bring Heaven to earth and we are all alive at this present time to fulfill our purpose. He explored the topic of negativity bias and how we need to show more gratitude and to be thankful. Neuroscientists have discovered that we are all born with negativity bias. When we face something dangerous, it registers into our brains and it tries to protect us from future harm. 




He also opened up about his personal struggle with anxiety. In school, he battled a constant struggle with throwing up. If he was around certain smells or environments this would bring it on. The majority of it was caused by great stress and he found out some of his family members also experiences simpler issues with anxiety. He was forced to eat in the classroom everyday instead of the cafeteria. His teachers would have to try and find volunteers to eat lunch with him. He shared a list of things people fear. He also shared how he was officially diagnosed with anxiety in 2014 after getting sick at work and having anxiety attacks. It was later discovered that it was humidity and he had to take nose spray medication to relieve the symptoms. He used this story to describe how we need to be extremely careful in believing what others have declared over our lives. 




I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to see the good in life and they are sick and tired of living negativity and feeling down. I really enjoyed the discussion on becoming more optimism and not living like the world is ending and getting worst. There is power in this book and changing our thoughts and focusing on the good in life. One of my favorite stories he shared was Moses and how Israel found their identity as being as children of God. They no longer were seen as just workers building bricks for Pharaoh. He used this story to remind us how critical it is to renew our minds daily and how challenging it is to do so. I really connected with him when he shared his childhood experiences with stress and how he was able to move forward. I also liked the style of the book and how spaced out all the sentences were and I think it made it more appealing to the young readers. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 



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