Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

10 Prophetic Values for Today: Hearing, Glorying, and Restoring God’s Voice by James Levesque Book Review

In 10 Prophetic Values for Today, James Levesque has written a powerful book covering what he has witnessed is lacking in believers lives right now. He opened up first about how dark the world is becoming. In December 2020, he received a vision from God about how the earth was covered in darkness and he heard a voice from Heaven and it told him how God is going restore His voice upon the earth. He explained the importance of how God spoke the world into existence. We always have that same power available to us from God. He looked at Paul and how he explained to believers the gift of prophecy and how we all desire to hear from God. It’s imperative to be actively in God’s written word and to living in His presence. 



The book discussed the power of our words and to watch what we are declaring over our lives. A big scripture to remember is Proverbs 18:21 and this stated that our words are powerful and can bring life and death and a talkative person will suffer the consequences from it. He shared some examples such as if we say we are poor or if we believe that all men are dogs. What we say and focus on and believe determines what will be true. He explained how the devil uses our words against us and how this causes us harm. He opened up about his own declaration he has started with his own family. This stated how we are a leader, head and not the tail, lender, blessed, and how we will make a different in the world. I immensely loved this simple declaration and believed it contains powerful wording and actions to refocus our lives and to transform our lives. He shared how many people will come to him seeking a pastor to help their failing marriage, financial troubles, other issues and he told them to change their words. He has witnessed dramatic changes occur when they focus on the words they are speaking over their lives. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to learn about the 10 prophetic values that are about to change your life for the better. I liked how he broke the values down into easy-to-understand language to make it easier for readers. I liked how he explained peace and how we can obtain emotional health. It was shocking to read about all the negative effects happening in the world today: suicide, depression, drugs, and much more. Most of what they are trying to treat is just the symptoms of the issue not the root cause. I thought it was very bold in the way he explained how demons love to torment and how they can be found at the root cause of mental illness. The answer for healing is only discovered in Jesus’s blood. My favorite chapter was on power of words and how we can learn to speak words that matter over our lives and others. The declaration is extremely powerful and I believe this will greatly benefit us. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 



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