Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Minimum Method: The Least You Can Do to Be a Stronger, Healthier, Happier You by Joey Thurman Book Review


The Minimum Method is a new concept of a fitness book. He begins the book by apologizing for the miscommunication and how we were told every day to get up and to attach each day with a passion that it’s going to be a good day. He explained it’s okay to have bad days and not to give every workout our very best. We can even consume carbs. He shared how he grew up playing hockey and then moved on to lifting weights. He discovered his passion in becoming a certified personal trainer. He had a main goal of teaching readers to truly to show up for themselves. He explained how critical it is to focus on how we feel and not on the external benefits. This book is primary guided to teach readers the minimum method and to learn the essentials to transform our health. The book covered sleep, exercise, breathing, nutrition, stretching, and much more. 




One of my favorite chapters discussed the importance of sleep and resting. We have to learn to prioritize our sleep times. A lack of sleep can cause us to want to overeat the next day. There have been studies conducted to show we lose our lack of control when we are running low of sleep. It has been estimated that it can cause use to crave up to 20% more calories the next day. We will also experience problems with our cognitive reasoning and problem solving. He explained how he struggled with depression since he was a teenager and if we don’t get enough sleep this will affect our moods. It can lead us to developing metabolic syndrome. He looked at the different stages of sleep and included a helpful illustration describing each stage. One of my favorite tips he shared was how we need to record our favorite show and watch it later and not stay up late. I liked how he explored the different sleep chronotypes using animals. He explained how they relate to our internal time clocks and how we can figure out where we are most productive in our day. I enjoyed the discussion of supplement that can benefit us in helping us sleep. I also liked how he revealed how we can learn to wake up properly using light exposure. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to change their lives and they can do so by using the minimum method. I liked how helpful Joey Thurman is and I enjoyed in doing some of his workout programs and exercises. I have even saw a couple of his TV interviews and how open he is about his depression and how he wants to help readers to better their life. This book dives in and goes more in depth to provide tips and solutions to tackle our health head on. I immensely loved how each chapter enclosed helpful summaries and action steps we can take to transform our lives. One of my things, the book taught me was the importance of breathing properly and how we can all get 20% more oxygen. It contained steps by steps examples to guide us. The book is a very impactful book and I highly recommend it to benefit your overall health and wellbeing. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, BenBella Books for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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