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A Thousand Tomorrows by Karen Kingsbury Book Review

A Thousand Tomorrows is a recent re-release of a book written by Karen Kingsbury. It was first released in 2005. It has recently also been made into a TV series releasing on PureFlix soon. The book is about a national professional bull rider, Cody Gunner. The book begins by sharing about his life story and we learned about his father, Mike Gunner a football player for the Atlanta Falcons. He loved playing football and it was a major part of his life until he suffered a knee injury and was later cut from the team. Everything changed when that happened and he didn’t know how to handle his second son, Carl Joseph being born with down syndrome. He didn’t really even pay much attention to him at all. One day, his parents had a fight and he told his wife that he didn’t love her anymore. His dad decided to leave his family and Cody explained how he watched him drive away. He recalls running after his dad for at least ten houses down. Cody described his deep loved for his brother and believed if he didn’t truly love him nobody else would. He had an unfathomable wound from his father leaving and he partly blamed his mother for telling him to never return home. Cody shared how he became a cowboy and a bull rider. He found relief from the rage inside of him when he rode a bull. 




Ali Daniels is the second major character of the book. She also has a dream of becoming a national champion and a barrel racer. She was hiding a dark secret. She was facing a health crisis and had cystic fibrosis. Her parents were very protective of her since her sister also passed away from pneumonia. In the book, we witness how her health changes and gets worst and how she struggles breathing with her lungs. She would one day have to obtain a lung transplant and even then, she wouldn’t live past three years at the max. She ends up meeting Cody and she is drawn to Cody and they become friends and how they both wish to have a thousand of tomorrows together.  



I would recommend this awesome novel to anyone who is seeking a book that contains a positive message in the mist of difficult circumstances. I loved the character of Cody being a cowboy who is determined to win and then everything changes when he meets a girl. It has a wonderful message of forgiveness and healing and discovering what truly matters. This has a mix of love in the book and a hope that love never ends. It is based on the principles found in 1 Corinthians 13. The book also contained a helpful group reading guide questions that will assist readers into going deeper into the message of the book. I also excited to see the new series coming out and I think it even bring the book more to life. I also purchased the second book in the series and I’m curious to find out what happens next in the Cody Gunner adventure. I also liked how she wrote a new introduction in this addition explaining how she came up with the idea for the book. This was very eye opening and Karen is an excellent writer to bring the topic of cystic fibrosis to life.





"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on





Check it out on Pureflix starting February 24!


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