Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Something One Small Thing Can Make a Difference Written by Natalee Creech and Illustrated by Pablo Pino Book Review

Something One Small Thing Can Make a Difference is a children book based on the passage in Matthews 25. Jesus tells the story about how when we give to others who are hungry, thirsty, lacking clothes, caring for someone who is sick, and visiting someone in prison we are more like Him. This children book discussed a kindness radar and how it starts with us. It explained how we don’t have to be grown up to make a difference. We can be young or old age doesn’t matter. The book showed people helping their neighbors and provided suggestions on showing others kindness. We can help elders get their mail, water their plants, and carrying items inside for them. We can assist pets in finding a loving home. We can brainstorm up and inventions to help others. We can show kindness in numerous ways. 



I would recommend this heartwarming children’s book to anyone aged 3-9. I loved all of the beautiful illustrations and how engaging and fun they hid all sorts of kindness in the book. Children will love picking out what they see on each page. One of my favorites was the invention called the wagging trail and it enclosed tons of dogs and cats wagging in a vehicle looking happy. I also liked how they had cute animals all throughout the book and kids will love what they can discover. This book has a great message of Matthews 25 and will teach children kindness and how we can spread the love of Christ to others. Hopefully children will take these ideas and even brainstorm some up of their own to be a blessing to others. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/Worthy Kids for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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