Andrew Smith's Blog

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Faith, Doubt, and God's Mysterious Timing: 30 Biblical Insights about the Way God Works by Laurie Polich Short Book Review

In Faith, Doubt, and God's Mysterious Timing, Laurie Polich Short explored key Bible stories about the ways that Christ works and how we can grow in our faith. This book is a follow up book from her book on Bible verses. In the beginning of the book, she looked at the stories of Joseph and Job. When we explore Joseph, we can witness how our perspective can change over time. She shared how critical it is to remember the power of God and how we don’t need to underestimate what He can accomplish through whatever circumstances and challenges we may encounter. The entire story of Joseph displays how events were meant to harm him and instead it turned out to be for his good even if he didn’t realize it at the time. Job story is about how he suffered and lost everything and how we can choose to see God as our companion when we go through suffering. She explained how both Joseph and Job were changed and shaped by their hardships they had to endure and this in turn can encourage us when we are going through difficult seasons. We can also look at our own lives to see how God used our pain and suffering and how He can cause everything to work together. We may even discover new meaning of our painful seasons in life. She shared how in her own life that she was engaged and how she lost that relationship and connection with his children. Years later, she married a man who had a six-year-old son and she shared how all of this worked together for her good and prepared her for the future. 




I would recommend this awesome book on stories from the Bible to anyone who is struggling in their faith and maybe even doubting or wondering where God is or if He is still even there. This book is a very inspirational book that contained 30 stories from the Bible. I liked how it enclosed stories about Job, Joseph, Peter, Ruth, Caleb, Joshua, Abraham, just to name a few. I thought this book was very unique in its approach to the message and how she dove into the core message of the scripture passages and explained them in detail. I believe this was very helpful to teach readers the principles and things they might not have seen before in the verses. One of my favorite reminders she discussed was on how peace doesn’t come when the crisis is finally removed. It’s available when we are going through the crisis and we can remember that God is still in control of all of our steps. I really enjoyed how she described how the disciples were afraid of the storm and how Jesus taught them an important lesson about faith. This book would make a great 30-day devotional and allow readers to bring a section a part and really focus on the lesson and teaching of the passage. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






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