Andrew Smith's Blog

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Secrets of Sex and Marriage: 8 Surprises That Make All the Difference by Shaunti Feldhahn and Dr. Michael Sytsma Book Review


In Secrets of Sex and Marriage, Shaunti Feldhahn and Dr. Michael Sytsma have teamed up to write a book on the topic of sex and how we can create a lasting marriage. The book touched on eight key areas such as: what’s normal for a sex life, how do we fix our problems in the bedroom, why doesn’t our spouse isn’t interested, how we cannot get bored with sex, and much more. The book was conduct as a research study consisting of 5,300 individuals participating in survey questions and interviews. They begin the book by illustrating the importance of oil is to a car and how critical it is to the wellbeing of the car. It is also like how our sexual relationship can be a lubricant in our marriage. In the book, they explored the notice of only having the goal of climaxing together. Studies show that the average time it takes a male is 5.4 minutes and 14 minutes for a female. They also looked at how often people should be having sex and what is normal with other couples. They also shared how there is a correlation between how often people have sex and how happy they are in their marriage. They also revealed the number one question people ask a sex therapist and this is, “why isn’t our spouse as interested in sex as I am”. They explored the roles of if you are a receptive or initiating desire person and how to create a health pattern. 






I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to dive into a book about sex and tips on building a stronger marriage together. I loved how they included many different studies and interviews to get the message across and help us to learn more about our spouses and their needs. I enjoyed the topic of being curious in the marriage and how this is viewed as a superpower to our marriage life. It’s important for us to be open to what matters to our spouse and then later applying what we learn to build our marriage. It’s truly okay to keep learning about our spouse daily and listening and keeping the relationship flesh. Another powerful chapter is about accepting and grieving the disappointments and extending grace and in turn loving our spouse for who they are. This chapter can help us heal and move forward with unmet expectations and this can assist us in growing a strong marriage. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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