Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Grace Ambassador: Bringing Heaven to Earth by Dr. John Jackson Book Review


In Grace Ambassador, Dr. John Jackson explored the topic of extending grace to the world around us and becoming everything God has for us. He opened up the book with sharing how he became a grace ambassador. He admitted that he struggled to believe the words on the pages of the Bible. One of these examples was the Lord’s prayer and the part that stated how God’s will, will be done as on Earth as it in Heaven. He wondered how this was even possible with flawed human beings and how could the Earth even be as close to as what’s occurring in Heaven. He revealed how we are all called to spread grace and the message of Christ and His teachings. He explained how we are commanded to be the light and salt of the Earth. This is the important framework of being a grace ambassador. He looked at spiritual gifts and how to discover them. One of the ways is inquiring with God about why he made us the way we are and this can help us to go deeper in developing our gifts. He breaks down the gifts into three sections: ministry growth, support, and signs. He also went into detail about providing grace to the world. 





I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to reach the dying world. This book will provide readers with the tools to spread the message of God’s word and become ambassadors. One of my favorite topics discussed rejection and how we must be very careful. They can speak toxic words into our lives and souls. Instead, we need to remember 1 Corinthians 13 and what true love really consists of. Another favorite thing was on the depth and insight on the gifts we can use for the church and the world to benefit the Kingdom of Christ. My mom prayed for knowledge and wisdom over my life growing up and I believe this helped to lead me with being blessed with this gift. This book will assist readers into bring Heaven to earth and changing the world around us. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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