Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Anything Is Possible: How Nine Miracles of Jesus Reveal God’s Love for You by Joby Martin with Charles Martin Book Review


In Anything Is Possible, Joby Martin and Charles Martin teaches readers about miracles and how they relate to Christ. They explained how if Jesus’ tomb was in fact empty and he defeated hell and death. We can in turn rely on that nothing is impossible for Christ. This is the foundation of our faith. They looked at the different miracles found in the Bible such as, the wedding where Jesus turned water into wine, the pool of Bethesda and the healing, feeding of the five thousand, raising of Lazarus, and much more. We can also experience a miracle in our own lives and believe in His incredible power. Each chapter ended with an impactful prayer. 



One of my favorites was about the paralytic man and how his four friends carried on the roof. They had the belief that if only they could get their friend to Jesus, then he could obtain healing. The authors asked an important question and that was if we had four friends who would carry us through whatever we may face. They shared how married men are the worst at making connections with other men and most of us don’t have close relationships with others. We may be close to our wife and believe that this is enough. They asked when was the last time that we confessed our sins to other brothers. They encouraged readers to build strong relationships and to have friends pray for us. They described how each of the four friends had a rope attached to the four corners of the mat. They broke it down into the first corner is sharing our faith, serving in your local church, bearing the stretcher, and leaving room for God to do what only He can do. One of my favorite things, they shared was how we need to make room for others in the church and welcome others in. They reminded church members that their names are engraved in the pew they don’t have an assigned spot and we need to scoot over and make room for others. 



I would recommend this powerful story about the numerous miracles in the Bible to anyone who is seeking to increase their faith and they are needing encouragement. I immensely loved the scope of the miracles and how in depth they went into explicating the message we can learn from each one. I liked how they covered the Holy Spirit and how the empty tomb has changed our lives. One of my favorite stories was about Ike and the path to forgiveness. This story was very inspiring and eye opening and is a direct illustration on redemption and being good to someone even when they hurt you.  






"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”





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