Andrew Smith's Blog

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Trust: Knowing When to Give It, When to Withhold It, How to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken by Dr. Henry Cloud Book Review

In Trust, Dr. Henry Cloud has written a brand-new guidebook to assist readers in the topic of trusting others. He explained how to identity and determine who is trustworthy and who isn’t. He explored how to run a business that is filled with trust principles. It will also help readers to rebuilt their trust that has been broken. In the book, he revealed how he has coached different people in numerous settings on how to rebuilt trust and grow a stronger business or personal life. One of the stories he shared was how he assisted a business with a disconnect between two higher ups and how if they failed to fix the issue it would negatively impact thousands of lives. He explained what trust was and how at the core we all want something that is safe and will not cause us harm. The book looked at the five essentials of trust: understanding, motive, ability, and much more. He broke down the model for repairing trust into seven steps. 





One of my favorite chapters discussed how to move forward and the power of forgiven. He explained how to get free from the betrayal and to stop the growth of a cancer like sickness inside you. He included a whole list of the health benefits we will receive if we choose to forgive. Some of these included, improved mental health, lowers depression, lowers cholesterol, increase immune system, reduces stress, just to touch on a few. He shared how if we don’t forgive then we can’t repair trust effectively and trust will remain broken. He walked readers through on how to handle and manage their angry. He also explored how forgiveness is free but trust isn’t and it must be first be deserved and earned. 





I would recommend this life changing book on trust to readers on rebuilding trust after someone has failed you, how to assess if trustworthiness is an option, and when we must withhold trust. I thought he did an excellent job in going into extreme detail about trust and covering all the different aspects of trust. I liked how he explored personal and business exampled where all readers could relate to the message in different areas of their lives. I immensely loved how he went into detail about Drew and Bella and their rebuilding their marriage after an affair. I believe this was very beneficial to readers on seeing how the models and the steps all worked together. It provided a massive scope on trusting others. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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