Andrew Smith's Blog

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Just Once: A Novel by Karen Kingsbury Book Review


In Just Once, Karen Kingsbury has written a novel set in 1941. Irvel Holland is the main character of this book. She is dating a man named, Sam. She secretly was falling in love with his younger brother, Hank. They would walk to school together daily. They had a school level crush developing again. Hank had just ended his serious relationship with Maggie. She was still with Sam but she admitted to not feeling strong in love feelings. She had fallen more in love with Hank and couldn’t tell Sam. She couldn’t make a decision cause Pearl Harbor and the bombings had just begun. She was afraid they would be drafted into war. Hitler was determined to kill the Jews. Sam was drafted into the war. The chemistry and love build between Hank and Irvel while Sam is serving the country. Government official eventually approach her at her school and they are seeking a mathematician to help with breaking the enemy’s codes in the war. She was instructed that she would tell no one at all. She would have to use a cover story that she was going to be a Navy nurse. In the end, she has Alzheimer’s and it wouldn’t be long before she couldn’t even recall her past love. She would forget her spy days in working for the Office of Strategic Services. She realized that her mind was slowly dying and it was getting harder and harder to remember. 




I would recommend how touching this story was about World War II and Pearl Harbor to any readers who enjoys a heart touching story. It is mixed with romance, childhood lovers, secret lovers, and the big question which love will she choose. I also liked how it touched on an important area, Alzheimer disease and how she related and described it in terms where readers could understand even more about it. Karen is such an amazing storyteller that she can enclosed multiple themes in the book from Alzheimer to women serving their countries. She also has helpful questions at the end of the book. 




"I received this book free from Atria Books for my honest review.”






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