Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Do the New You: 6 Mindsets to Become Who You Were Created to Be by Steven Furtick Book Review


In Do the New You, Steven Furtick explored how we can discover our God given identity. He explained how God wants us to see ourselves as He see us. The goal of this book is to assist readers in aligning our mindsets with God’s vision for our lives. In the book, he explored six key declaration readers can declare over their lives daily. Some of these include, “I’m not stuck unless I stop, Christ is in me. I am enough, God is not against me, but he’s in it with me, working through me, fighting for me, and much more. He begins the book by looking at Jeremiah and how he became a prophet. God had to help him see how He chose him first and how He created him in his mother’s womb. God knew him before anyone else and He knew the real him. God appointed him and when Jeremiah began to believe that everything radically changed. 



One of my favorite discussions was about how Christ is inside us and we are more than enough. He stated how many us are spending our time wrestling with ourselves and doubting who we are. There are countless voices who are trying to make us feel less than and we’re constantly reminded of how we are falling short of someone else. We are accepting our insufficiency as our true identify. He explained how Christ is inside us and He told his disciples that we must realize that He is the Father and you are in me and I am in you (John 14:19-20). Jesus also goes on to teach a lesson about how He is the vine and we are the branches and how we can bear fruit. Steven reminded readers that we are sufficient in Christ and we don’t have to prove our worth. He encouraged readers to accept themselves and become the best version of you. He told a personal story about how his son, Elijah was taking a fishing trip with his friends. This brought back memories of how he would fish with his own dad but didn’t enjoy it. He never taught his own son how to fish and he felt like a bad dad for not showing him. He felt like he wasn’t enough of being a father. He had to be careful not to turn this into his identify. Instead, he had to remember that Jesus is enough and our identity needs to be in that. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone is struggling with being themselves and they comparing themselves to others and feeling less than. This book is very powerful in helping readers to change their mindsets and align their thoughts to match Christ. I immensely liked how the story about the trading card and how he willingly fell for a trick from the owner when he opened up a Michael Jordan card. He didn’t know the value and worth of the card and he used this example to explain to readers how being inexperience and the dangers of not recognizing our worth. We can be handing over our character, confidence, peace, good reputation, and joy and missing out on God’s best for our lives. This book is very insightful and I believe is one of the best from Steven. The stories are relatable and if we would put into practice the principles we will see our lives changed! 










"I received this book free from Faith Words for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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