Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Nine Lives and Counting: A Bounty Hunter’s Journey to Faith, Hope, and Redemption by Duane “Dog” Chapman Book Review


In Nine Lives and Counting, Duane Chapman has written a brand-new book about his life and his experiences in being a reality TV star and how he discovered Christ. He was the star on Dog the Bounty Hunter and Dog and Beth: On the Hunt. In the book, he shared about meeting his wife, Beth. He explained what he went through when he lost her to cancer. She was diagnosed with stage 2 throat cancer. He admitted to how he refused to believe anything negative regarding the diagnose. He believes in the power of life and death is found in the tongue so he would watch his words. He shared how he even would make minister change his vows and take out til death do us part because he didn’t want to speak death at all. She was given the cancer free clear when only a year later it returned to stage 4 and spread to her lungs. She fought until the end. He admitted to how after her death he considered ending his life to join her in Heaven but God instructed him not to end the life that He gave him. In the book, he explained how he met his new wife Francie who also lost her own spouse. He also covered his past relationships and marriages and kids. 



He revealed how he come to know Christ and was reborn and how it excites him to witness people lives being changed. He grew up as a Christian kid in the Assemblies of God and he grew up Pentecostal church. He accepted Jesus as his savior when he was around 5 years old. He revealed his take on demon possession and how very real this is. He witnessed people being delivered and in turn has seen it firsthand through his encounters with criminals and addicts. Satan is the author of the oppression and confusion and he tempts to torment people. He explained how he studied the nine manifestations of the Holy Spirit. He was gifted with the gift of knowledge and God would assist him in his quests in his bounty hunting. He shared a few examples of this throughout the book. 



One of my favorite parts of the book was about him being warned about how he didn’t need to go out one night. He refused to listen and proceed to go out with his friends. They went coyote hunting. One of them wanted to go get a joint before going. They decided to go see their other friend, Jerry Lee who would have a stash. The other friend shot Jerry Lee in the shoulder. Later it was confirmed that Jerry Lee was killed and they arrested Dog. He clarified how Texas law found him guilty just because he was present at the time. He was sentenced to five years. He opened up about his different experiences he went through during this time. 



I would recommend this awesome book about the life of Dog and his faith in Christ. It was very eye opening to read about his experiences and how he was at time rough around the edges and God was able to reach down and change his life. It’s interesting to read about how he was in a motorcycle gang, to being sentenced in prison to, being a bounty hunter on TV. I haven’t watched a lot of his TV series but I was curious to learn about him and reading about his faith was inspiring and to see how it has changed his entire life. 





I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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