Andrew Smith's Blog

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Flip Your Life: How to Find Opportunity in Distress—in Real Estate, Business, and Life by Tarek El Moussa Book Review


In Flip Your Life, Tarek El Moussa breaks down 4 key areas he chooses to live by: evaluate, emulate, renovate, and duplicate. These rules are the rules he lives by and how he flips houses for a living.He shared his birth and how he was born frail and jaundice. He developed weird tics and the doctors believed that he has some kind of palsy. He was made fun of by others kids and even some adults. One coach would ask him in front of everyone if he would like a million dollars just so kids would laugh he had a weird tic. He struggled with ADHD. He was even slammed against the wall by one teacher because of hyperactivity. He explained how when he graduated from college he began to gain weight and he had always been an athlete. He felt his life was a disaster and he didn’t know the direction he wanted to go in life. He turned to alcohol and smoked. In the book, he shared how he was diagnosed with cancer. He had two different types thyroid and testicular cancer. He later experienced horrible back pain. He had his share of challenges he had to deal with. He also went through a divorce. He also explained how he flips a house. He first evaluates the property to determine it’s worth including it’s strengths and weaknesses. He next compares houses and he referred to it as comps. It’s an idea of what could be. Then finally renovates the property. This lead to a tv show, Flip or Flop on HGTV that details the entire process of renovating a home. 

One of my favorite sections was about your healthy self and what all that looks like. These included you respect yourself, know who you are, okay with expressing emotions, and much more. He also looked at the unhealthy self and what all that entails. He also shared how readers can be persistent in their momentum and how critical it is to choose our crew carefully. He explained how his crew helped him through his experiences in life and how men especially struggle with connecting deeper with other men. We have to be willing to ask for help which most of have trouble with. He realized how the helped him to reach his career goals and to become a house flipper. He enclosed a helpful section on some characteristics to look for when building a team. 

I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to flip their life around. I loved how he shared some behind the scenes of how he conducts and decides how to flip houses. I immensely loved the discussions on mindsets and what we believe about ourselves has a profound effect on whether we will succeed. He was very transparent in how went through a divorce and eventually got remarried. Along the way also experiencing health challenges that changed his life. The cancer being so back to back was shocking and readers will be able to see what he faced. This book will assist you in finding new opportunities and to flip your life. 

I received this book free froHachette Go for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 


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