In What Your Dreams
Are Telling You, Cindy McGill is sharing with readers on how to learn how
to interpret your dreams and discover the hidden meaning behind them. She
revealed that she believed that dreams are personal and they assist us in being
hopeful about our future. She also goes into prodigious detail about our dreams
and their meanings. For instance, she covered flying or swimming underwater,
falling, being chased, naked in public, vehicles, taking a test/ going back to
school, and so many more common dreams. She even gives crucial questions to ask
and suggested action to take in comprehending the dreams. Cindy also went into dreams
that famous people experienced like Kristen Bell, Samuel L. Jackson, and more
and she explained their meaning.
I would recommend this excellent book to every believer
who is experiencing dreams that are complicated and they are pondering and
troubled by their meaning. I immensely benefited from the dream symbol appendix
because this one included dreams symbols about ants, airplanes, pregnant,
school, driving your car, etc. This book brought to life the how to interpret dreams
and how to discover their true significance. While I was reading this book, I
actually had a dream that ants were crawling all over me and I was extremely
stressed at the time and I had a lot of school work to finish. The ant means “hard
worker”. I especially love how she included a section in the book where readers
could write down what the dream was about and she asked helpful questions in
order to figure out the overall message. This book is meant to be reread when
readers are looking for guidance on their dreams interpretations and it will
greatly impact your life. If you’re seeking a book on discovering your dreams
meaning, then please read this one!
“I received this book free from the publisher through the
Bethany House Publishers/ Chosen book review bloggers program.”
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