Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Brave: A Teen Girl’s Guide to Beating Worry and Anxiety by Sissy Goff Book Review

In Brave, Sissy Goff explored the topic of worrying and dealing with our anxious thoughts. This book is geared and written to young teenage aged girls. It is revealed that 1 in 3 girls struggled with worrying. She shared how we struggle with rejection thoughts, not fitting in, getting sick and possibly getting cancer, someone harming us, failure, and fears in general. Sissy explained that many teenaged girls believe that there is something wrong with them and how that they are alone in how they feel. She looked at fear and how it turns into worry, then turns into full blown anxiety. Sissy is a MeD, LPC-MHSP and she is the director of child and adolescent at Daystar Counseling Ministries. She also looked at how some of the fear was passed down from her mother. Her mother provided her with a 24-inch rusted metal spike to shatter her window in case she went off a bridge and she had to use it to swim out. Her and her sister also got pepper spray every year for Christmas just in case they needed to use it. She revealed some of her own personal anxious and worries she felt and how she is a perfectionist. She shared some studies about how anxious is increasing and how technology is being linked to it. In the book, she also explored what worrying does to our body, mind, and heart. Then in the last section of the book, she looked at the hope we can have and how we can use scriptures to assist us in overcoming the troubles of the world. 




I liked how the book was enclosed in a bright shinny blue book will lure young girls into reading the contents enclosed. I would recommend this life changing book to anyone teenaged girl who is battling anxiety and they have a number of worry whisperers. I immensely liked how open Sissy was in sharing how she dealt with her own worries and how her years of counseling girls has helped her to lead others down a path of freedom. I liked how she included discussion questions and a spot for readers to journal and dive deeper into their fears and worries. I liked how Sissy wrote in a way that will connect with teenaged girls and they will be able to easily relate to her. I also liked how she discussed some about the pandemic and how we can use some of the tools included to battle our own fears. I liked how she guided young girls into becoming brave and finding courage in Christ. 

"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Brave, check it out on


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