Andrew Smith's Blog

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Talking with God: A Practical Plan for Personal Prayer by Dick Eastman Book Review

In Taking with God, Dick Eastman explored the topic of prayer and intercession. In his early thirties, he learned a great deal about prayer and how it can change our lives. He started praying an hour each day for the world and nations. He wrote this book as a guide to prayer and included 12 focus groups that we can use when we pray. These included, “praise, waiting, confession, scripture praying, intercession, thanksgiving, singing, mediation”, and much more. He explained how important praise is and how we need to declare that our Savior is worthy and powerful and worthy of our praise. He also shared how we can pray scriptures our loud while we read the Bible. We can focus more on Psalms, Proverbs, Gospels, of the Epistles because these books of the Bible are easier to pray out loud. He revealed how we can also sing songs as weapons of warfare. He looked at Jehoshaphat and how Judah gained victory in battle when they sung praises out loud their enemies were defeated. He recognized that there are six different types of praise songs and how we can use each one to benefit and help grow our scriptural lives. He discussed how we can use petitions and to grow deeper in our conversations with God. 



I would recommend this book to anyone is ready to grow and develop their prayer life. I liked how in depth he went into explaining how we can use all 12 focus points to transform our prayer life. One of my favorite areas was the topic of singing and using our voices in different types of songs to covey who God is to us and how worthy of praise He is. I connected with how we can use the songs to combat the attacks of the enemy. I also enjoyed how he included a prayer at the end of each chapter, scripture verses to pray, and a recap list of the meaning of the step. I also liked how they enclosed a ribbon bookmark to help readers to mark their reading process. I also liked the color of the book and how they made the book more colorful to appeal to readers. I liked how he designed the 12 steps in prayer in a colorful wheel. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Taking with God, check it out on


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