Andrew Smith's Blog

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Talking with Teens about Sexuality: Critical Conversations about Social Media, Gender Identity, Same-Sex Attraction, Pornography, Purity, Dating, Etc. by Beth Robinson, EdD and Latayne C. Scott, PhD Book Review

In Talking with Teens about Sexuality, Beth Robinson and Latayne Scott has written a book to guide parents in discussing all aspects of sexuality. They shared how parents often have the notation of one and done on having the talk with their children. They don’t typical keep the conversation on going so our kids are choosing to learn about sex from their friends or online. They also revealed how in 2015, Centers for Disease Control discovered that teens are having less sex before they graduated from high school. In the book, the discussed God’s plan for sex and how it binds us to the other person and what physical effect that happens in our bodies. They looked at the different scriptures concerning sex and marriage. They looked at all types of sexual activities and the views of the world and what we can do as parents to guide our children. They also looked at social media, technology, porn, sexual abuse and violence, same sex attraction, gender issues, unplanned pregnancy, and abortion. They looked in details about what scriptures dealt with these topics and how we can have open conversations with our teens.  




I would recommend this awesome book to anyone is needing guidance on how to have an open conversation about sex and sexuality with their teens. I liked how these two authors wasn’t afraid to discuss the difficult topics and discussions. Most Christian books are afraid to address same sex attraction, gender identity, all different types of sexual activities, and much more. I do believe that this book would make a great guide to parents on parenting in today’s times when there are many challenges our teens face. I appreciated how the included scriptures on what the Bible says about some of these topics and will keep the conversation going. I also enjoyed the exploration section with your teens and how this book enclosed questions to learn about how your children are viewing sexuality. I also liked how they included personal stories from real life examples to convey the topic and how it might help us to relate to them. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Talking with Teens about Sexuality, check it out on


Thank you so much for your thoughtful review! Dr. Beth and I are grateful.


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