Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Show Me the Father Movie Review and Giveaway


Everyone has a unique father story. Whether positive or painful, it’s always personal and can deeply affect the core of our identity and direction of our lives. SHOW ME THE FATHER is the first documentary film from the creators of WAR ROOM, OVERCOMER, FIREPROOF, and COURAGEOUS Legacy. Featuring a variety of amazing true stories, this captivating movie takes audiences of all ages on an inspiring and emotional cinematic journey. Providing a fresh perspective on the roles of fathers in today’s society, SHOW ME THE FATHER invites you to think differently about how you view your earthly father, and how you personally relate to God.



The film is a documentary put together by the Kendrick Brothers. The film features Filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, Focus on the Family President Jim Daly, NFL player Sherman Smith, pastor Dr. Tony Evans, NFL player Deland McCullough, and NFL player Eddie George. The movie releases in theaters on September 10, 2021.




My Review:


I would recommend this awesome life changing movie especially to all of the men and women who are longing to connect to their Heavenly Father. They may have not had a great father in their own lives but there is still hope that their loving Creator will make them whole and redeem them and assist them in changing future generations. This movie would make a wonderful documentary movie to be used in the church. I immensely loved all of the five stories presented in the movie. I liked how they all had come from different backgrounds, some of them had loving fathers and some didn’t but they all still were affected. I loved how the movie showcased the effects of a positive or a negative father and how that can influence our identity and direction in life. The whole purpose of the film is to help watchers to come to know their Heavenly Father and to be changed from the inside out. Fathers can choose to change the future generation right now even if their own dad wasn’t the very best. They have the power to change the cycle. I also loved the twists and turns in one of the major storylines in the film and watchers will be greatly surprised by how was able to turn their lives around and bring everything back to together for His good and glory. I also enjoyed seeing more of the background of Stephen and Alex Kendrick and how their father, Larry influenced their own lives. The film also showed how their dad had a lot to overcome to choose to be a good dad when he didn’t have a good example himself. I was also in awe in hearing about the adoption story that Stephen shared in the movie and how God led them to the little girl they were supposed to adopt. All of the stories were very touching and I believe everyone can find a story that they can relate to and connect with in the film. 


Quotes about the film:




- Dr. Gary Chapman


“SHOW ME THE FATHER is the film our nation needs to see. We have become a society that devalues and mocks fathers, but God created the role of fatherhood for a very specific purpose. Many of our children feel unwanted and unworthy because half of their identity is absent. Fathers are necessary for the next generation to heal.”


- Nona Jones, Author, Pastor, Speaker, and Executive



SHOW ME THE FATHER is a film your whole family needs to see together. There is something for everyone. Get your tickets today at and join me and my family at the theater beginning September 10th!


Many thanks to Sony Pictures for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

Enter to win two free tickets to see the film: 

Note: This giveaway is limited to US residents only. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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