Andrew Smith's Blog

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Persevere with Power: What Heaven Starts, Hell Cannot Stop by Samuel Rodriguez Book Review


In Persevere with Power, Samuel Rodriguez explored how to overcome your challenges and persevering through whatever you may be facing. The book started by discussing how different Biblical characters was able to overcome their own difficulties. These included Joseph being betrayed, David facing a bear, lion, a giant, and Saul, Elijah overcame Jezebel, Elisha overcame famine, and much more. He explained how we can prevail and have the power of God on our side. He looked at the Holy Spirit and what all of this entails for a believer. He shared a personal story about his oldest daughter, Yvonne and her battle with Covid-19 and had to be admitted because she was struggling to breath. She was in a fight for her and he opened up about the fears and the attacks of the enemy. He explained how we can choose to be let by our emotions or we can live by faith. A big part of the book, he looked at the lives of Elijah and Elisha. He also discussed 1 Kings 18 and 19 and the two big antagonists against them. These were Ahab and Jezebel and he explained how this is still going on currently in the 21st century. Both of these spirits are alive and destroying our world. This included manipulation, sexually, corruptions, killing joy, breaking the peace, and much more. He explained how if Elijah and Elisha have stopped trusting in God and His power then their story could have turned out differently than it did. The book will teach readers to be faithful and to keep pressing on and persevering through the challenges of life. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is discouraged and they feel like quitting. This book will assist reader into growing spiritually and getting their fire and fight back to take a stand against the enemy. I immensely loved how in depth he looked at the story of Elisha and Elijah and also the spirits that are against us. One of my favorite things was the topic of what only God can do and this was a wonderful list to remind us of the power of God. Another favorite was in the last chapter about things we can declare that will die in our generations. These included addiction, sexual promiscuity, divorce, cancer, depression, suicide, and much more. I also liked how each chapter had a special section called, “push your plow, meet your mantle”. It contained questions and a prayer. This book is a wonderful reminder that hell can’t stop God’s anointing on our lives and we can all have the strength and power to persevere. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/Chosen Books for my honest review.” 





If you would like to purchase a copy of Persevere with Power, check it out on


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