Andrew Smith's Blog

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She Works His Way: A Practical Guide for Doing What Matters Most in a Get-things-done World by Michelle Myers + Somer Phoebus Book Review

In She Works His Way, Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus have written a book about helping woman manage their busy working lives and instead focusing more on the things that matter most. They start by explain how women are pulled between different directions and the world is trying to convince them of what they can’t do and be. They shared how we crave God and we struggle with keeping God first. Michelle shared how she personally struggled with approval and it began in school with her grades, fitting in with other girls, and turned into male approval. She opened up about how she has a workaholic mentality. She shared how we can all turn to different idols such as: money, success, control, self, and stuff. We need to learn to replace our idols with worshiping only God. Somer was a little different in the fact that she needed to prove herself. She struggled with being in control and she realized that work was becoming her identity. In the book, they explored how the Gospel needs to be our jobs and our career should be our side focus. They looked at the life of Paul and how he a tentmaker and we didn’t read about how this was his main goal in life. He had a bigger perceptive of carrying out the Lord’s plan and reaching the Church. 



I would recommend this wonderful book to women and it will benefit them from not seeking the sole satisfaction of their careers. They can instead seek God and go after what He wants for their lives. I immensely loved the chapter on love and what love is and how we are supposed to love others. This is one of the most core foundation of the Christian life. Another key chapter, I enjoyed was the one on approved. This one teaches us how to handle critics, how to handle quitting, and flattery. I also liked how the discussed social media and how this effects our brain. This chapter has the power to help readers to break the chains of people pleasing and instead live for God’s approval. This book will assist women in reprioritizing their life and focusing on His ways. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/Chosen Books for my honest review.” 





If you would like to purchase a copy of She Works His Way, check it out on


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