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The Pursuit of Porsha: How I Grew into My Power and Purpose by Porsha Williams Book Review

In The Pursuit of Porsha, Porsha Williams has written her personal story that has taken years to be written in a book. She begins the book by sharing how her parents got divorced when she was about three years old. Her father was committing infidelity. She opened up about how her father treated her and her brothers. For punishment, he would close them inside their rooms and was told not to come out. She explained how many times he would forget and leave them in there for hours. This led her to try and become perfect and this is something that she still struggles with to this day. She also shared how she dealt with grief from when he passed away. She also shared how she was bullied in school and called names. One of the names was flat-chested, skinny, big-eyed stick. She hated school growing up and often dreamed of being inside her room at home, safe from the world. She admitted to having depression and experienced suicidal thoughts. She thought about taking pills but feared that she would be brain dead and she would leave her mother with that trauma. She did tie a scarf around her neck and to the door to see what it would feel like to not be alive. She also opened up about how she was raised by two entrepreneurs and this helped her to be trained on how to become a boss and lead others. In the book, she went into details about how she come to having a role on the Real Housewives of Atlanta and the drama that she experienced while being a cast member. 


Another major area that she shared was about her past relationships and how they all affected her emotional, physically, and even spiritually. One of these was her relationship with her ex-husband, Kordell who was an NFL player. She explained how she prayed to God for a husband and a year later she met him. She revealed how they started dating and how controlling he was. He eventually stopped allowing any of her friends and family to come over to his house. Her name was left off of the deed of their house. He wanted her to sell her daycare business she created. He made her become a housewife to help raise his son. She explained how she believed he married her was in order to look better to the judge where he could obtain full custody from his ex. She eventually became pregnant and had fibroids and miscarried. She experienced a lot of emotional pain from having to carry a baby that she knew she was going to miscarry and a husband who could care less. He chose to go a golfing tournament instead of being present. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who enjoys reading autobiographies. I haven’t ever watched the Real Housewives of Atlanta, though her cast member, Nene did come into my tag office. I immensely enjoyed how she shared how she has a historical family connection to Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless and how God has used her to bless others through this charity. I also liked how she was transparent about becoming a boss and leading others and even founding her own daycare to help children. But I will say, the best part that I liked about the book was reading about her relationships and how they affected her. Even though, she went through horrible things and was forever changed by them. She was able to overcome and still go after God’s purpose for her life. One of the most heartbreaking stories to me was the R. Kelly victim stories and how it led to her to being questioned by investigators. She shared how she was taken advanced of and how many girls were sort of lock in directly in their rooms some for months at a time. One of things, I find most disturbing was how he told his sister how he was going to have a baby with Porsha but he had other women staying in room around the house, which she didn’t even realize all of that at the time. I appreciated how opened she was in sharing the details of her relationships, the behind scenes of the show, how she grew into her purpose, became a host on Dish nation, and founded two new businesses Pampered by Porsha, and Go Naked Hair. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”




If you would like to purchase a copy of Pursuit of Porsha, check it out on


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