Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Be Joyful: 50 Days to Defeat the Things that Try to Defeat You by Joyce Meyer Book Review

In Be Joyful, Joyce Meyer explored the teachings of Paul and how we become more joyful. The book is meant to be studied daily like a devotional. She begins the book by sharing how Saul became Paul and was a changed man. He first was strongly against Christians and would put them in prison. She begins by looking at how Paul would begin a lot of his writings with the saying of grace and peace from God our Father. She instructs us to try and live in peace daily. 



She also looked at how worrying about things causes us to lose our joy. She compared worrying to rocking in a rocking chair and how it will lead us nowhere. In Philippians 4:6-7 we learn four ways to combat worrying. One of these ways in pray and let God handle whatever problems we are facing. Joyce explained how we need to replace our worried thoughts with thoughts about God has come through for us before. 




One of the most powerful teachings in the book is the topic of who we are in Christ. I liked how Joyce explained how she was a Christian for many years before she understood this truth. She saw a big change in her life when she realized who she was in Christ. Some of these included, “alive in Christ, mind of Christ, can do all things through Christ, new creature in Christ”, and much more. We could see our lives improve greatly if we really believe these scriptures verses and live them out. 




I would recommend this life changing book about Paul’s teaching to anyone who is living their lives burden down by their worries and they aren’t living a joyful life. I personally believe the whole world is losing their joy and they I immensely loved how she devoted two days to the scripture verses, Philippians 4:8-9 and this one discussed what we need to be thinking about. If we would focus on these thoughts our minds could change. I loved the lessons she taught in this book that are also found in scripture verses and they are all geared to help us to live a better life filled with true joy. 

"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”




If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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