Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

In the Shadow of His Wings: 40 Uplifting Devotionals Inspired by Birds by Roslynn Long Book Review

In The Shadow of His Wings, Roslynn Long has written a beautiful book enclosed with colorful photos of birds. The book explored God’s creativity in designing the birds and the lessons we can learn from them about God. Each page included a photo of a different bird. She begins the book by sharing how in the Old Testament, the Israelites set up stones where they witnessed God’s incredible deliverance. Samuel set up a stone and called it, “Ebenezer” and this means stone of help. That’s where she come up with the idea to do a book devoted to small reminders of God’s love. She begins the book by looking at the sparrow and how numerous they are and have been around for generations. They used to be used as a sacrifice by poorer worshippers. You used to could get two sparrows for about 1 penny. Jesus used an illustration about how if one sparrow falls to the ground God is aware and how He cares for them. She used this example to teach readers how God hasn’t forgotten about us and how important we are to Him. 




I would recommend this awesome colorful devotional to anyone who loves nature and looking at God’s beautiful creations. I loved reading about the indigo bunting and how this blue one really isn’t blue and there is no blue pigment at all. It is more invisible. She explained structural coloration and related it back to how God is invisible to our eyes but we can still believe in Him. Another favorite thing, I learned was about the hummingbird and how they have a fast metabolism and how they have to eat every 8-10 minutes. They even have to take the time to rest. She compared us to a hummingbird and how we all act very busy. She explained how important it is to rest and on the seventh day we are commanded too. There are tons of teachings we can learn from birds and this book will help strengthen your faith. 







"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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