Andrew Smith's Blog

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Lead like Christ: Reflecting the Qualities and Character of Christ in Your Ministry by A.W. Tozer Compiled and Edited by James L. Snyder Book Review

In Lead like Christ, James has edited the original story from A.W. Tozer and complied into a new collection. This book discussed how we can become more effective leaders and to lead like Christ would lead the Church. The book looked at in great detail the book of Titus and how Paul was instilled to mentor him and help him to lead like Christ. He begins the book by sharing how Saul became Paul and was transformed into a Christ follower. He explained how this only occurs when believers have a completely encounter with Christ and they receive them as their personal Savior. Titus was an uncircumcised Greek with a Roman name. Around that time, there was a lot of persecution and Stephen had just been martyred. He was born in Antioch and this was a missionary church. He met Paul and was led to Christ. He explained how Paul taught Titus in the ways of Christ and he became a missionary. He became anointed with the Holy Ghost and he travelled around and even went back to Jerusalem. He had two big goals to kill poverty and get rid of stinginess in Corinth. Titus was gifted with the talent to organize. He used three words to describe Titus and these were integrity, discretion, and enthusiasm. Tozer explained how if we are going to be a reflection of Christ. We must learn to display all these qualities to become representatives of spiritual leadership. 



I would recommend this awesome updated and edited version of Lead Like Christ to anyone who is ready to get introduced to a historical writer. I immensely liked how it included up to date examples in the book where readers can grasp the message of building our character and learning to reflect the qualities of Christ. One of my favorite chapters discussed how we need to all learn how to deny whatever is ungodly and not fall into the lust of the world. One of the key struggles is for believers to have a backbone and to deny whatever else someone else is doing. I connected with how he revealed how the saints have become the celebrities of today’s time and we tend to follow whatever they are practicing or promoting. I loved how he included many radical truths about understanding Biblical doctrine. This book will guide readers into stepping into their own personal leadership servant role of Christ. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/Chosen Books for my honest review.” 





If you would like to purchase a copy of Lead like Christ, check it out on


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